Click SIGN UP on the right above the booking menu to save your information for faster future bookings.
You would then click LOGIN before booking next time.
Looking for a specific therapist?
Scroll to the bottom of this page to find their booking button.
You will also find them when you select the modality you need from the categories below.
Cash and check are our preferred payment methods to save us on credit card fees.
If you prefer to prepay, click on the Pay button once you set up your appointment.
To complete your Intake: click the Edit Forms button at the end.
To make an appointment with your gift certificate click the “redeem coupon” button below.
Please review our cancellation policy at the bottom of the page.
Contact us if you have any issues 919-391-0282 /
*We are located at 202 S Greensboro Rd in Carrboro.*
To book with a specific therapist, click on button with their name below:
Cancelation Policy:
If you call/text/email with more than 24 hours notice you will be allowed to reschedule or be refunded, your payment will be moved to the new appointment.
If you need to cancel within a 24 hour period, please text 919-961-2684, refunds will be on a case by case basis (this is not done automatically when canceling).
No Show Policy:
If you do not call/text or email and do not show up, you will be charged the full amount of service of 100%.
Instead of cancelling, you may reschedule or send to someone you love.
If you call/text/email to cancel within 4 hours of your appointment start time you fall into our no show policy and will be charged the full amount for your missed appointment.
Please be considerate of your therapist’s time. They will be there waiting for you until they hear otherwise.